Guitar Chord Iwan Fals – Kemesraan Chords

Recent Guitar Chord | Guitar Chord  Iwan Fals – Kemesraan Chords | Cord Guitar  Iwan Fals – Kemesraan Chords | Recent Guitar Chord  Iwan Fals – Kemesraan Chords.

This is guitar chord from  Iwan Fals – Kemesraan Chords with the Tabs (TABLATURE) and also the Lyircs. You can stay in here with your Guitar and play this song with their Lyrics and Tabs. I recommend you to buy the original song from this musician for their career in the future. In this artcle also have another Guitar Chord from.

Recent Guitar Chord -  Iwan Fals – Kemesraan Chords
Singer  Iwan Fals
Title     – Kemesraan Chords
 Iwan Fals – Kemesraan Chords

Intro : C F G C

C                        F
Suatu hari dikala kita duduk ditepi pantai
Dm      F                     C
Dan memandang ombak dilautan yang kian menepi
C      C7                     F
Burung camar terbang bermain diderunya air
G         F      G          C
Suara alam ini hangatkan jiwa kita

C                             F
Sementara sinar surya perlahan mulai tenggelam
Dm        G                 C
Suara gitarmu mengalunkan melodi tentang cinta
C   C7            F
Ada hati membara erat bersatu
G               F     G         C   C7
Getar seluruh jiwa tercurah saat itu

F     G                      C
Kemesraan ini… janganlah cepat berlalu
F     G                    C
Kemesraan ini… inginku kenang selalu
Dm    G                  C
Hatiku damai… jiwaku tenang disamping mu
Dm         G                C
Hatiku damai… jiwa ku tentram bersamamu
Recent Guitar Chord -  Iwan Fals – Kemesraan Chords
Singer  Iwan Fals
Title     – Kemesraan Chords

This song are popular and famous, recent produced from this group band. You can listen this song with buy their original album and also keep their album from plagiarism for their future. You can always stay in here because this blog always update the article latest and popular Hindi and English songs guitar tab, chord and guitar tutorial. Try Our blog Guitar Tab and Guitar Chord.

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